
Showing posts from April, 2018

Why is the swelling of the injury?

Why is the swelling of the injury?       The swelling of the injured area seems to be normal, but in reality, it is a complex and efficiently arranged warning system in every tissue of our body. This warning system makes the body aware of any injury to the body or infection of the bacteria in the body. The body then made inflammation at that place. This method is an important part of our body's defence system. The inflammation of the injured area is an expression of the warning system present in every tissue of our body. When there is an injury to the body (as an ankle sprain, the ankle bone tears in the ankle bones) - Then the small blood vessels of the blood spilt, and the healthy cells also die. The effects of tissue injury and cell death result in the fact that several chemical compounds stuck between cells or tissues came out of the wound - this is the sign of the injury.                             The presence of these signalling-related compounds can de

What is The Third Formula From Newton's Second Formula?

What is The Third Formula From Newton's Second Formula? Evidence proves the first motion law from Newton's second motion law, or proves the third motion law point from the second stage of motion - such questions can be examined in various schools, even in government board exams. If the questions are only for verifying students, then it is another matter. But, if the questioner really believes that one can be proved from motion to another, then it is very unfortunate. It is not possible to establish a third radar system using Newton's first and second motion law. It will be clear if an example of straight line moves is simple.                                                Suppose a single ball A is fixed on one end of the line. A similar other ball B, going from left to right, pushed velocity A ball with v velocity. Now the question is what is the speed of A and B after being beaten ?                                     Firstly, the solution of this problem is o

Gravity Formula Dots Mass

Gravity Formula Dots Mass The Main Question is - "Why is The Concept Of Gravitational Masses Used?" First of all, the idea that the mass or charge is actually a mathematical concept, which is roughly in the real world, almost in English, which is called almost. Since this is an approximation, we can not always use this idea and we do not even have to say this in school.             Give an example before answering a detailed answer. Suppose you have a white football. Put the football in a chair. At the very close of football, try to see the ball in one hand and reach it. You see that the ball looks a lot, and you realize that it's a ball. You see that the ball is made of white-coloured square and five-legged parts, and those parts are stitched again in the spine, that means you can see the full size of the ball. Now hold that you are about 10 meters away. You see, you see those hexagonal and pentagonal parts, but you can not see the stitches properly. Now go

Dimension, First Episode

Dimension, First Episode                                                                    ------------------------------------------------------------- What is the dimension actually? The surface of a sphere is not as flat as a paper, but both are two-dimensional, how is it possible? -------------------------------------------------------------              The dimension is not very unfamiliar with the dimension. We often say that we live in a three-dimensional space (here physical space, place of space). Again, the enthusiasts who read about a little bit relativity will say our spacetime (space-time) quadrant [1]. But what is this level of fact? What is the level? How do we determine the dimension?                                             The questions are not easy at all. Even people who are not shuffled with the figure can also easily say that the bottom layer of a paper on the floor is two-dimensional. So the floor is also the top of the table, so also the walls