Gravity Formula Dots Mass

Gravity Formula Dots Mass

The Main Question is - "Why is The Concept Of Gravitational Masses Used?"

First of all, the idea that the mass or charge is actually a mathematical concept, which is roughly in the real world, almost in English, which is called almost. Since this is an approximation, we can not always use this idea and we do not even have to say this in school.
            Give an example before answering a detailed answer. Suppose you have a white football. Put the football in a chair. At the very close of football, try to see the ball in one hand and reach it. You see that the ball looks a lot, and you realize that it's a ball. You see that the ball is made of white-coloured square and five-legged parts, and those parts are stitched again in the spine, that means you can see the full size of the ball. Now hold that you are about 10 meters away. You see, you see those hexagonal and pentagonal parts, but you can not see the stitches properly. Now go further away. Suppose you look at the ball in a goalpost and put the ball in another goalpost. What will you see? You can not see that hexagonal and pentagonal parts, you just know that the ball is white. And the ball looks like a small size. If possible, you can go further away. Looks like the ball does not look like a ball, looks like a white dot. That is to say, the distance you're going to get away from, the size of ball-shaped features is going to be erased, and in the end, it seems to be just a dot.
                        The same thing is the case with gravity balls. When you are very close to the earth or any other round object, then this round of earth is understood. Not only that, the Earth is not exactly round, but it also means that the gravitational force is measured by measuring satellites. To send artificial satellite or send rockets to the International Space Station, it is important to know the full size of the Earth. But when you measure the gravitational force inside the Earth and the Sun, the Earth and the Sun are so far away from each other that both of them can be considered as a goalless feature like football. Now you can show a small calculation that if all spheres have an equal concentration in all spheres, then the value of the gravitational force on any point outside the sphere is such that all the masses of the sphere are sitting in its centre. That means if you do not see the sphere, then the gravitational force outside the sphere will not be understood by measuring whether it is a sphere or a point mass. Because of that, we can use the concept of point-of-ball in most of the astrology.
Seeing it closely, the Earth is not exactly round, but rather eerie, it is understood by measuring the gravitational force by satellite.Photo source
                               But how far will it be to use the idea of ​the point of mass? The thing can be figured out. By adding another idea to the idea of ​​pointers, we can calculate the force of gravity or coulomb for the mass of the real world. The name of this new concept that is talking about is superposition, which can be given the name of the supriya in Bengali. That is, if two randomized objects, calculate the force between 'A' and 'B', then divide them into several smaller sections, which can be considered as a fair point. Then, by all the points of 'A' and what is the force working in all the points of 'B', put the form of gravity or coulomb and pair it in pairs. Now add these balls. It is possible that the job is not very easy. The calculation can be done in some cases by calculating calculus or painting, but in most cases, the computer will have to take help.
                         However, in a relatively easy way, this digit is used multiple times, using a method called multipole expansion. In this method, you can think of any object of any shape as a mass of monopole, a dipole, quadrupole, these different shapes. For these sizes, gravity balls are measured straightforward. And since the gravity force adheres to the superposition principle, we can measure the total gravitational force of matter by adding gravitational balls measured in these different shapes into the vector method. It can be calculated that monopole means the force that applied the object to the dot filler, its value decreases with the gradual decrease gradually. Then comes the dipole's turn, then comes the quadrupole's turn, then the octopole ... in such a way that the amount of pole increases as soon as the value of the ball decreases quickly. Now, from these different shapes, you can show the balls that if you move away from the centre of an almost circular object, you can calculate almost all of the distance using only the dot mass.
