What is The Third Formula From Newton's Second Formula?

What is The Third Formula From Newton's Second Formula?

Evidence proves the first motion law from Newton's second motion law, or proves the third motion law point from the second stage of motion - such questions can be examined in various schools, even in government board exams. If the questions are only for verifying students, then it is another matter. But, if the questioner really believes that one can be proved from motion to another, then it is very unfortunate.

It is not possible to establish a third radar system using Newton's first and second motion law. It will be clear if an example of straight line moves is simple.
                                               Suppose a single ball A is fixed on one end of the line. A similar other ball B, going from left to right, pushed velocity A ball with v velocity. Now the question is what is the speed of A and B after being beaten?
Firstly, the solution of this problem is only by saving energy and with Newton's second motion. (That is, let's say that we do not know what the momentum is saved.) Let's also say that the event of shaking happens very quickly, in T time.
                          According to Newton's second motion law, the amount of balls in an object is equal to the change in the momentum of the object. So if the momentum of A is va and B's velocity vb, then the amount of force on A is FA = m (va-0) / T = mva / T and the amount of force over B is Fb = m ( vb-v) / T .There is nothing more to be said that the second motion law.
However, using the Power Conservation Sources, that means va2 + vb2 = v2, there is a slight concept about the speed of A and B. The sources of energy conservation say that the last moment of A and B cannot be greater than v and the sum of their speed class equals v2. In other words (va = ± v / 2, vb = ± √3 v / 2), (± v / √2, ± v / √2), (0, ± v), (± v, 0), all of which are possible Solution.
 But one of these solutions is the only correct solution and to know that it is necessary to use the third motion sequence along with the second motion. If we were to get the second motion from the second motion, then we would have solved this problem only by using the second motion key.

It is not possible to establish a third law using Newton's first and second motion law.

The third motion law sheet says that the two balls are equal in size and their direction is opposite to each other. Therefore, FA = - FB Now we get this solution by solving this equation va + vb = v.
This equation is nothing but a surrender source of persistence. So, by conserving energy and saving momentum, the equation of the formula consolidates two va = 0, vb = v or va = v, vb = 0 Notice, the first solution is the condition before the push, so after the push, the speed of A is v and the speed of B is zero.
                  Similarly, the first motion sheet is not available from Newton's second motion. The first motion sheet does not fit all reference frames. Some reference frames are in the cot. Then we can divide the reference frame by dividing it based on the first formula of Newton's bed or not. Newton's second formula is only in the frame where the first formula is found.
